Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wish, Whine, Woohoo Wednesday

Bear with me, I'm trying something new :)

Wish: I wish every woman educated themselves on breastfeeding. I truly do. Not because I want to "shove" my beliefs down someones throat, but because I want people to make EDUCATED decisions for their children. I want them to do the best thing for them. If they don't, ok, that's their choice. But I wish they'd make that choice based on FACTS, and not ridiculous crap spewed around. For example. Formula will NEVER be as good as breast milk. Ever. Nothing is. Its still ok for baby, but its never as good. It will never contain the antibodies or DHA breast milk has. Its all artificial, it doesn't TASTE as well either. Its not as easy to digest. Plain and simple. Also, breastfeeding will NOT ruin your boobs. Ohmygawsh. Its PREGNANCY that does that. That drives me nuts. Now, onto the mothers who TRY to breastfeed and quit. Doctors are jerks. They will scare the beejeebus out of you. If your baby isn't gaining, he's not getting enough. After a year, breast milk becomes unhealthy. Blah, blah,blah. They're lying. Plain and simple. Breast milk will adapt to your child in order to give them what they need. Breast milk will adapt to your childs needs. If they need more, guess what? You make more. As your child grows, the components of the breast milk changes to fit their needs. No extra work for mom. And fyi, it doesn't "spoil" or go bad. That's pretty ignorant. And look at the formula in your grocery store's aisle. Now they have a formula for ::gasp:: toddlers!!! Pretty interesting how breast milk goes "bad" but formula stays perfect!

Now, on to the weight beliefs. Contrary to what a doctor will tell you, just because your baby grows slower does NOT mean they aren't getting enough breast milk. And your pumping output does not give an indication of what you're producing, don't fall for that line. For example. My son, at birth, was 8#5.5oz. At his two week appointment, he was 7#12oz. According to his pediatrician, he should have been back to birth weight. It took him until 4 weeks old to reach his birth weight, he weighed 8#8.2oz. He was a sloooow gainer. And what did the doctors do? Shove their 'facts' down my throat. "He's starving, he's going to have developmental problems" and stupidly I believed them. I supplemented, even though it broke my heart. And I was miserable. But the doctors took advantage of my naive, uneducated self. And because I was scared of harming my baby, and I believed doctors knew best, I let them change my plans without hitting google. BIG MISTAKE. Want to know the truth? Weight gain isn't always an indicator of proper breastfeeding. If your child is a slow gainer, as long as they are having 5-6 dirty diapers a day and they're alert and active and meeting milestones, they are FINE. Very rarely are you starving your child.

Mommies, if you WANT to breastfeed, please, research. Google is your BEST friend.

Whine: brr! its cold. That's funny for me to say, because I have this dream of living where it snows. I want to have a fireplace going on Christmas Eve, while the honey and I sip hot chocolate on the couch and watch the snow softly fall to the ground, snuggled up on the couch. There's more to this dream, but we won't go into it :) But here it is, 38 degrees outside, and I'm whining that its cold. I guess, since its been in the mid-60s lately, I'm allowed to whine.

Woohoo: Yay! Its Wednesday! That means I'll have my new washer and dryer tomorrow!! I'm soo excited. Its our first BRAND NEW appliance.. excluding our microwave. Heck, its MY first new ANYTHING! Yay!


Last night I had a mega scare. I left both kids inside while I started a load of laundry, since it was nasty outside. Our laundry room is in the storage room outside, its not inside the apartment. So my son is coloring and eating Reese's Pieces, and my daughter's in her swing. I was only outside for maybe 90 seconds, long enough to start the washer, and get the detergent/clothes inside it. I come in, and my sons standing over his sister and she's beet-red and just looking odd. He smiles at me and says "mommy, sissy mms" and it clicks. He fed her some candy! So I freak out, snatch her up, and flip her upside down while pounding on her back. Two pop out, and I think we're good. NOPE! It took a good 2 minutes or so to get them all out. She had 5 in her mouth. Ohmygosh. I thank GOD that she's alright. Now if I can just stop double checking on her all night. But my poor baby boy :( he felt so bad, but I know he was just trying to share. But Mommy sat him down and explained that sissy can't have goodies, so here's to hoping he understands that.

Rant! The wireless STILL isn't working! Granted, no one has tried messing with it. But still. This blows :/ Luckily Patrick brought home a cable I can use to connect the router to the TV to play it through there. Hopefully the guy he knows can come look at it today.

I'm supposed to try to make the Cranberry and Sage Chicken tonight..if i can find the recipe and start it in time... so I guess I'll go now :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, just heard about your darling, SCARY!!! I wouldn't even know what to do in that situation!!
