It is far too easy to get caught up in what isn't right, rather than appreciate what you have. I find myself doing it all too often. I was complaining that Patrick had to work today, instead of getting the day off. I complained that Cindy wanted to nurse all too often and I never had anytime to breathe. Wyatt was clingy, the laundry never stopped, and on and on. And this seems to happen too much for my liking. Instead of whining about how Patrick only got three days instead of four, I should have been happy with the three, which is up from the usual amount. And looking back at this weekend, I'm not sure I could have done another day! We were so slammed with stuff to do, Wyatt missed his nap each day! And it definitely affected him, as he woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Tomorrow we start our routine again, thats for sure :) Yes, I spend all my time breastfeeding. But I have a healthy, happy little girl from it. I know I'm doing the best thing I can for her, and for that I should be proud. And I am. My chubster weighed in at 13.4lbs today! Plus, I'm now at 130lbs, with no effort whatsoever! And yes, Wyatt is super clingy. But you know what? I love it. I love spending time with him, I love playing with him. I could do without the whining and the fits, of course, but hey. Take what you can and run with it. We're not rich, we aren't stressfree, but we're happy. We're in love, and thats what matters.
Everyone should take a moment to reflect on their life. Even in our darkest hours, we're still lucky. If someone loves you, you're luckier than some. I'm sure even the biggest pessimist can find something good going on. And thats what everyone needs....
So as I type my mind-probing ::laughs:: entry, I have banana nut muffins in the oven and homemade spaghetti sauce simmering. I've been on a housewife ROLL today, I'm so proud of myself. And everythings turned out wonderful so far! Laundry is DONE, but I need to finish folding it. But for now I'm nursing Cindy Lu again. And playing with her looong hair. Its in her eyes already! It astonishes most people when I say she's only 10 weeks old, she's so big and with her long hair. She's already in a 6-9 size clothes!!!
This weekend we took Wyatt to the Exploreum... Um, it's definitely mainly for older kids. He had some fun of course, but i'm not sure it was worth the $40 it took to get in. Oh well, it was a learning experience. Then on Saturday my honey took me to Foley. THAT was a blast! I am your typical female, I love to shop. I mainly window shop, but hey. This trip I actually shopped! We bought $40 worth of clothes for Wyatt, I got a mixer and some other kitchen items, and I got new clothes!! I've been stuck between clothes that are too big (size 7s) and too small (size 5s) I have wide hips, so I run into that problem of what fits me weight wise ( the 5s) being too tight along my hips. Then I get bruises :( So we went into Aeropostale, even though I vowed never to buy their clothes. Overpriced. I mean really. $49.50 for a pair of jeans?!?! $30 for sweats??? $25 for a shirt?!?! obscene. But this time, for $68, I got two pairs of jeans, two shirts, and a pair of sweatpants. Woohoo for clearance and sales :) Andddd I got into a size 5-6 :) So happy. Oh, and if you have a Bath Junkie near you, GO! Their fragrance of the month (Juicy Couture) smells awesome. I got a bath sundae, which consists of a bath ball (my scent was fresh air) and some bubbly bath crystals (Juicy Couture) I smelled awesome after soaking in the bath with some of my bath crystals. I'm making it my new thing to try my hand at making my own bath crystals... All I need is some scent and epsom salts.... They also make custom frangrance air fresheners for your car. I got one and love it :)
But my honey just walked in, so I'm ending it here :) Until next time!!
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