For most people, Sunday is the beginning of the week. Not us. We like to believe our week starts on Monday, so that we get two relaxing days in a row. It may not be how the rest of the world does it, but I don't really care. Since when do I do things like everyone else? Never :)
So yesterday we spent the day shopping. And my bank account is showing it. We did our weekly Sam's Club trip, for lunch and browsing around. Just like my grandparents. Yes, we're boring and we're old, but we love it that way. So we get pizza for Patrick, and Wyatt and I have a hot dog, and off we go to shop around and see if we find anything to buy. And as we walk, Wyatt samples all the goodies he can, thanks to the kiosk ladies. He had a fruit smoothie and enjoyed it so much I bought the stuff for them. He had a chocolate chocolate-chunk cookie he begged me to buy, but I didn't. He had a cracker, he had a slice of apple, he had lots of yummy things. Did I mention he's my eater? ::Laughs:: So as we're wandering, I come across the vacuum aisle. I've had my eye on the Shark Navigator since...well, forever. But never got one because 1. it costs $160 and 2. I had a vacuum. Now, Patrick knows I've been eyeing it, and knows how much I want it. So he tells me, "baby, buy it" and I, of course, chicken out. He then starts pushing for me to get it, since I haven't gotten anything new (except the washer/dryer) since we got married. I told him I wanted to hear how a friend liked it, and I'd go from there. So I message her on Facebook, and she tells me (after we've left Sam's Club, where its $149) that she loves it and I need to get one.
So off we go to Target to get a few more items. I needed some lemon, and we needed to do our Valentine's Day shopping. Better to do it in advanced, than it is to rush through and dig through the leftover crap no one wanted the day before, right? So we look in their vacuum section, because I've agreed to get the vacuum, and they wanted $179, which I refused to pay. I said I'd wait until next week, when we went back to Sam's, but Patrick knows me, and by then I'd have talked myself out of it. So off we head to Kohl's, since Patrick needed new running shoes. I swear, the Marine Corps is costing me an arm and a leg. New running shoes all the time, dry cleaning his Dress Blues, needing to set up a new pair of Blues, etc. Kohl's wanted $179 also, and then off we went to Wal*mart. Long story made short, we bought it at Wal*Mart for $159, and I love it. Its ahmazing. Lightweight enough that I was able to vacuum the stairs easily. Picks up great! So I'm telling you, if you need a vacuum, GET THIS ONE. Its supposedly great for those with pets. I wouldn't know, because while Wyatt likes to pretend he's a puppy (and does a great job at making messes like one!), he doesn't shed. Last night I must have vacuumed 10 times. I'm such a housewife. Only I would get excited about a new washer/dryer, a new vacuum, and a new recipe that will take 2 hours to complete. I was definitely born in the wrong era!
Today was CindyLu's two month appointment! What a chunkster! She's 11#15oz, which is almost a three pound gain since her weight check at 3 weeks!! Which is great, her doctor was super impressed. Especially with her being sick the entire time. She's in the 95% for height and the 50% for weight. She's like her Mommy and Daddy, tall and skinny. A very proportionate girl, according to the doctor. She's also hitting all her milestones, which is great. Babbling a lot, making eye contact, holding her head well, rolling over. And, according to her doctor, more hair than she's ever seen. In reality, she needs a trim, but I refuse to cut it. Its poking her in the eyes when its brushed straight down, but I believe its bad luck to cut a baby's hair before they're a year, so I just comb it to the side and stick a barrette or headband in it. And she got vaccines. Well, half of them. I decided this time to space out her shots, so while she was due for 3 sticks and the Rota-Virus vaccine (which is ingested instead of a needle), I got her one stick and the RV. In about 3 weeks we'll go back for a nurse visit for the other two. But I did get her the DTaP, as pertussis is running rampant and I'm not risking her getting sick. And this time, they allowed me to nurse her during the shot, which made it go much smoother! They never let me with Wyatt, and for this reason alone I'm glad they changed out their staff. Its frustrating not having the same pediatrician (Wyatt has gone through 4 since birth, they keep leaving), but oh well. I'm actually starting to like this doctor. She not only checked out CindyLu, but also asked how Wyatt was adjusting to the baby, and how Patrick and I were doing. Its like she cares about the entire family :)
As a military wife and a mother of two little ones, I'm now a firm believer in more places needing a drive-thru. Have you ever struggled through a post office with a large parcel needing to be mailed, a rambunctious two year old, and a two month old in a car seat? Dang near impossible. And Wal*Mart too, sometimes. I figure if I have to drag my kids in, I'm staying in long enough to warm up and get my use out of that horrific time spent rounding everyone and everything up. Which means I find more stuff to buy, resulting in more money spent. I think that was Wal*Marts plan. I should boycott... Yeah, right. Then I'd really go nuts. The cashiers are my contact with the outside world.
I've also made an attempt to be more.... natural with my foods. The past two nights I have made completely natural meals. No pre-packaged spices or food. Last night I made lemon-pepper chicken with juice from a lemon (fresh squeezed, mind you), grated garlic (grated by yours truly), and fresh ground peppercorns. Pared it up with a baked potato and caesar salad, and yummy. Well, I guess the dressing wasn't fresh. But that doesn't count, right? Especially since I made my OWN croutons. I'm having a blast doing this. But tonight Patrick wants enchiladas, and I'm using a packaged seasoning pack, since I have NO idea how to make them from scratch, and I don't want to go back to the store. Oh well. Two nights in a row is a great start.
I'm also loving this blogging. Its great to be able to get all my thoughts out, and keep people in the loop on the going-ons in our house. I figure if you're reading, you care, right? ::laughs::
Oh! One last thing... I think our trip to New Orleans is cancelled :( At least for now. And I'm sad, I really want to go. But its proving to be impossible to get a hotel, thanks to Mardi Gras. Dagnabit. Maybe in March we can go. *fingers crossed***
Until next time, I bid thee adeiu.
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