My washer and dryer are installed!!!! Well, sorta. They're put in the laundry unit, but the plug for the dryer isn't put in, and I don't think the washer is hooked up either. Patrick didn't have time yesterday when he brought them home on lunch, and last night it was nasty outside and we had company. But they're here and all mine!!! I'm so excited to do a load of laundry! These are my new pals :) Now if only I could sell my old set. I'm only asking $100, so they should be GONE by now. Ugh.
MY WIRELESS IS WORKING! Kinda. It's come up and connected to our Xbox, so we're finally able to stream Netflix to it! Wyatt is ecstatic, all the Super Why, Sponge bob, and Handy Manny he can take. But for some reason, it won't allow my laptop to connect. I'm not sure if its a problem with my laptop or the wireless. Hm... Oh well though. Baby steps, right? I'm eternally grateful the Xbox connected, I was going nuts with Wyatt constantly telling me "uh-oh Mickey broke" because it wouldn't work.
Even sick she's precious |
Cindy is STILL sick! This nasty bug just won't go away, she's had it for WEEKS. Snotty nose, horrid cough. Probably RSV, which is why it's taking so long to go away. Looks like a few weeks of isolation for us, I need to get her better. She has her 2 month appointment Monday, so I plan on having her pediatrician listen to her and confirm that she's ok. I'm pretty sure she is :) She isn't turning blue or wheezing (unless I don't clear out her throat) so I believe she's good. But my poor baby :(
Giggling thief!! |
Wyatt has been cracking me up since last night. He's a root beer fiend. Actually, all kinds of Coke he loves. And I'm TRYING to keep him from drinking them, but its hard when the boy has freaky long arms like his Daddy and can reach things shoved way back on the counter :/ So last night, we were doing our popcorn and a movie routine, and the next thing I know, Wyatt's chugging on some root beer!! Oh goodness, it was so cute. But, alas, it has to stop, soda is bad for him. An occasional treat is ok, but not regularly. I also need to try and get him to drink more water, instead of apple juice diluted in half by water. I'm finding if I add "jingles" (ice cubes) he's more apt to drink it.
Wyatt got MORE noise toys. And I'm tempted to rip the batteries out of them already, he was just given them last night!!! ::laughs:: But I could never rip the batteries out, he loves them too much. Even though they drive me bonkers, I let him keep the batteries and even replace them when they die. Apparently I'm a masochist. But I'm pleading, please, no more noise toys. I may just go insane.
MY CAR IS PAID OFF!!!!!!! How awesome is that?? We bought it last February, started the payments in March, and its now paid off :) Yay! That's $200 extra a month, which is great. We're saving money all over. No more car payment, no more cable. Heck, we barely even eat out anymore. Well, that part kind of bites. I end up spending about an hour in the kitchen cooking, maybe 30 minutes eating, and then another hour in the kitchen cleaning. But at least I'm passionate about it. Speaking of cooking, I need to figure something out for dinner... I'll probably just make some Sage Pork chops and mashed potatoes with gravy made from the pork chops. Add some mixed veggies, and bam! Dinner is planned. Guess I should take the pork chops out of the freezer too, huh? Maybe I'll make some brownies too.... wait, I can't. I've lost my vegetable oil. Patrick thinks he threw it out and swears it was empty, but I know it wasn't. Grr. And I'm really craving brownies now. But I'm not taking my baby girl out in this weather. Its nasty.
I'll figure something out..... I always do :)
So my husband told me he thinks I'm spending too much time on Facebook. And, after arguing and crying, I realized he's right. Most of my day is spent on Facebook, chatting with people, debating, yadda yadda. I could definitely be using my time more wisely. Looking at my house tells me that, its just awful by my standards. And I admit, my standards are pretty darn high. I haven't mopped in a week, I have a load of laundry to fold, two loads to put away, the playroom needs to be organized, etc. I've been using Cindy as my excuse, but I realize its not true that a breastfeeding baby keeps me from cleaning. Its Facebook. Therefore, I'm going to be taking a hiatus from Facebook. I won't be updating statuses or playing games or chatting or any of that. I'm going to keep it open, of course, and add photos to keep my family up-to-date with everything and whatnot, but that's it. I'm going to do a blog everyday, to keep people informed. I can relay a days worth of information in an hour on here, leaving more time to dedicate to my house, my children, and my marriage. I just hope I don't spend time shopping instead!!! So every day, I'll post the link to my blog for those who care to follow and that's how it will be done.
Until tomorrows entry....I bid thee adieu.