Valentine's Day is stupid. Plain and simple. I mean really, do we NEED a day to TELL us to appreciate and love our significant other? Why can't people remember to do that on their own? Its a ploy, I say. One to up the economy. And my husband knows better than to give into temptation... as flowers on this forsaken day will get him no brownie points... Bring 'em on a day that has nothing to do with romance, tell me you love me everyday, show me all the time. Besides, all that chocolate goes straight to your butt. Why eat it??? For us, Valentine's Day is for the kiddos. We exchange cards, but thats it. Heck, sometimes we don't even do that! But we go all out for the munchkins :) Which reminds me, I need to pull out Wyatt's candy...
Speaking of Wyatt, my poor baby can never go a holiday without getting sick, being cranky, or hurting himself. And today was no different. We met Patrick at McDonald's for lunch, as Wyatt's special treat. He loves the playground there. So after he eats, he's playing. He comes to the cement bench to climb up and falls! Hits his forehead on the OTHER cement bench corner and faceplants on the brick ground. Ohemgee, my heart stopped and my stomach fell to the ground. He screamed for Daddy, and I jumped up (tossing his food) and ran over. Patrick got there first though. My poor baby has a knot the size of Texas on his forehead. He was just hysterical. I gave him tylenol, and bought him an icecream, which made it much better, calming him down. He wouldn't play anymore, but thats to be expected. However, he did come home and decide it was nap time :(
Anyhoo. Its been a BUSY week. I've been doing arts and crafts with Wyatt, and working on his letters. He can now tell you what the "s", "l", and "o" are. And he's doing great with the number "1". Yay for my smartie! He's growing up way too fast!! Cindy is now out of 0-3 clothes, and really has been for awhile. I've just been too lazy to pull out the 3-6s. Great job, Mommy. So I finally went to the closet to see what we have, since we didn't go shopping crazy like with Wyatt, and started trying them on, only to realize she won't be in them long... Great. ::laughs:: My long-legged beauty is definitely growing too fast. I put her in a 6-9 onsie that used to belong to Wyatt and it was just a TAD bit big. The 6m sleeper fit great though! Thank heavens for the consignment sale going on this week.. Which reminds me, if I want to try and sell any of our stuff, I need to jump on registering them. But first, to find free hangers :) She's quite the chatterbug now too. Always goo-ing and gaa-ing. Smiles galore :) And she slept for FIVE hours straight last night!!! Yay!!
We had family photos done on Saturday... That was.. interesting, to say the least. We went to Portrait Innovations, since they're fairly cheap and appointments aren't needed. Which was great, considering Wyatt made it near IMPOSSIBLE to get a family photo done. Two year olds aren't the best sitter-stills. In case you thought otherwise, you know. But we got a good one (out of 30!) and we got some great ones of Cindy and even of Wyatt! And beautiful photos of them together. So now I have to get my envelopes out and mail them to family!
Patrick's in the middle of his re-enlistment, almost done. I'm so excited. That means another step closer to getting out of this forsaken place. Originally he put no preference on his duty station, but today he was told to pick a place he wanted, and we've narrowed it to three. Number one is Maryland, two is New York, and three is Pennsylvania. All close to his family up north, whom I am DYING to meet. Plus, there's SNOW! I want to live where there's snow. Not permanently, of course. But trying it would be nice.
WE OWN OUR JEEP!!!! Yes sir, that sucker is PAID OFF. No one can take it!! Its such a great feeling. And it only took ONE year to do. Go us! That's $200 in our pocket every month.
My 22nd birthday is coming up :) As is Patrick's 24th. They're only 6 days apart, how awesome is that? So I'm in the midst of planning his surprise party. I'm thinking at Hooters would be nice, with all the guys from the unit. I just have to decide whether or not I want to do a lunch on the weekend after his birthday or a dinner the day of. I have to check to see whether or not there's a game or match that they'll be playing on his birthday. So I need to order a cake, talk to the manager, invite everyone, and figure out how much it will cost, all without him knowing. Did I mention its in 3 weeks? ::laughs:: i think that it will be best to do it on his birthday, so that he can be at work while I plan it and get everything set up. Oh and sell my soul for the funds to do it. I can just imagine how much it will cost for wings, fried pickles, and beer for all the Marines we'll be inviting. No eating for me for the next year!! ::laughs:: Just kidding!!
Oreo truffles are.... THE BOMB. At least, thats what Patrick says. They're just crushed oreos with cream cheese dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with more crushed oreos. I won't eat them, too many calories. I'm *finally* at my high school weight (131!!!) and I'm not losing that! Although, I must admit I'm a bit frustrated. I am too small for my size 7 jeans, but because I have wide hips, I'm too big for size 5. Well, I can fit them, but they hurt. So I'm drowning in my pants. And the funniest part? I weight 131 but still look FAT, in my eyes. ::laughs:: I really need to work on this body image issue I have. I still see myself at 162lbs. Maybe its because my face is still fat from pregnancy. Who knows. ::laughs::
With all that said, I need to go marinate the steaks. Of course Patrick picks that for dinner tonight. So I'm trying a new recipe, three herb steaks. Along with some roasted asparagus and homemade macaroni and cheese, for Mr. Wyatt. He's been asking for some ever since he saw a cookbook with it on the cover. Crazy kid...